Estoppel Asia Law Firm

Reaching the stars for You

Ealfglobal is completely committed to protecting the privacy of the visitors. Ealfglobal’s privacy statement describes that, from our side, we try to optimize the maximum for the privacy of any visitor. However, Ealfglobal is in no way accountable for any privacy breach from any quarter at any end.

If any information is asked on the website, it’s purely to know who and why visiting the same, so that our services can be optimized solely for genuine reasons. Additionally, by accessing Ealfglobal, you are consenting to the desired information, and being applicable in the privacy statement of the Ealfglobal.

Personal Information

Any information asked by Ealfglobal is to ensure that visitors can help the same whatever can be possible only for genuine reasons. It has nothing to do with the third party that handles visitor’s information. For any personal information, regarding blog, services or transaction that is being requested related to the publication or fees for services, related to newsletter, subscription is purely all for reasonable reasons. Any information regarding e-mail address, home, country, institutional name, contact number or name – are all genuine and service purposes and nothing else.

Ealfglobal may collect information regarding any visitor to our site IPor Internet Protocol address, name of the Internet service provider, date, time and place you accessed Ealfglobal; the pages you access to our site and the source from which you are directly connected to our Ealfglobal site. The best part is by doing so we try to improvise our services, for our customers and visitors. We also try to analyse the trend , and add in puts whenever is needed to make our services better for humanity and the public.

However, we suggest our visitors , in case of commenting for the blog or the articles or for the services while entering your information on your profile – only share that information which you feel are comfortable , as this is a public platform, and don’t have controls over others – neither we are accountable for anything you share if is undesirable and any issue arises out of that. We clearly solicit no responsibility. More so, for any disputes, the jurisdiction lies with Delhi only – unless wesolicit differently, and for that Ealfglobal’s decision is final.

Personal Information

You are consenting, the moment you visit our website to our Privacy Policy and fuly the same becomes of terms and conditions become applicable to the visitors.

Cookie’s Application

Ealfglobal use or may use cookies on our website of the same. The objective is to improvise and facilitate the better features to our visitors. It is intrinsically, a small text that is placed on your given hard disk by a web page server to help better utilization of the service we render to our customers. Cookies are not part of the programme runner or have nothing to do any kind of viruses or to the computer. It is really a web based server in the given domain issued to you in a right perspective. Basically, the very logic of the cookie is to save the visitor’s time to optimize the searching result. In a given navigation on the site, as an instance, it assists to remind the proper information on the regular visits. In this way, it helps the visitors to select and offer the relevant information, hence during this process; the navigation process becomes much easier. More so, the visited part to the web site, the information you visited surfed can again be retrieved in due course of time. Cookies can be accepted or declined its an optional choice. In case of declination, the very good interactive features may not be able to be experienced by the visitors.

Application of the Personal Information

On being collected the personal information, Ealfglobal simply can help to make the services of the clients or the visitors much easier and relevant and serve the better. We can provide the better services and the products can be made much more useful and help Ealf easier for the application.

Security of the Personal Information

Ealf does not share any information to the third party what it gets during the process of visitor’s information. Nonetheless, please be aware that Ealf does not take any accountability for any security issues of the visitors on our site; this is the sole responsibility of the visitor to visit or not to visit. However, we try to make our services always better and improvise for ourselves to deliver the best.

© EALF GLOBAL – 2022. All Rights Reserved

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