By —- *B. Khan
The fast changing pattern of the varying world speaks volumes of the unfolding events. It depicts regarding the fate of OIC in the post stormy “Accord of Abraham”. It has completely divided the Muslim world into half. Already, “white elephant like OIC” had no values except ‘gossip disseminating platform’ has a more compelling reasons to enter into the stormy weather of the ambiguity. Arab World always is considered an absolute believer of the “temporal consumption” for their own personal foreign policy cadaver.
By virtue of being a redundant organization, it had never any role to play except making the rest of the Muslim world hoodwinked. India being the largest democratic country, and a home of crores of Muslims across the Indian topography could have played a due role in the organization to democratize. OIC could have learnt something as to how the large body functions for the genuine reasons. With the complete cleft between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan perceptibly, it’s a golden prospect for India to craft the foreign policy in such a way that could be beneficial for the country in the larger perspectives.
Rift beyond repairing
With the affirmation of the foreign Minister of Pakistan that led the “storm in the kingdom world”, opened many challenges and new dimensions. It is here that our foreign policy makers can act decisively to extract maximum advantages related to the “prevailing situations” in the desolate tract world. Needless to add, India has developed a robust relations with Saudi Arabia, all India needs to do now is to take the control of the “new changed equations of Riyadh and Saudi Arabia”. Today’s contemporary world is completely different. National interests prevail over anything in the domain of the globalised world. It goes without saying; ethics and morality find no place in today’s global politics. Those who believe that, “brotherhood” is functional in the contemporary world are mistaken and living in the fool’s paradise.
OIC defunct
The so-called organization of Islamic conference is the manifestation of the dead components. If somebody calls a misleading organization will be little surprising. The very objectives for which the genesis took place for all practical reasons met complete fiasco. Now, in the post recognition of the “Deal of the Century” underlines the gravity of fissures in the so-called Islamic word. Also, it’s very interesting; most of the Islamic countries are nothing but horde of the alien world. Many of the smart states are actually “satellite states.” Their future is hanging in balance for all practical reasons. Soon the so-called “smart states” will fly into thin air. Defense experts analyze due to their “internal and external contradictions” and with having useless defense reasons best known for them reflect their sufficient rationale for the premature downfall. It is only history that will tell as to what actually is in the store for the flyers that never knew to flock together.
* B.Khan is Kualalumpur based entrepreneur and philosopher