‘Assessing of China –Iran Deal and Its Repercussions’

By  –   *Professor Dr.Jayant Babu


The great Sino-Iran Deal has come into reality at a time when the world is passing through the most unusual phase of the history. Iranian as a nation has been suffering from great sanctions and depressions for ages. In the post-revolution of modern Iran, USA and allies never endorsed the regime of Iran. They kind of government they wanted to see — it was next to impossible in the current regime. It was not a big surprise that with confrontational and aggressive foreign policy of Iran towards Saudi Arabia also got compounded the influence of power over the dominance factor between the two regional powers of the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula. Take any example of the contemporary global recent history; it becomes quite obvious that the involvement of Iran has been in the recent conflicts directly or indirectly.


Iran being isolated for long from the rest of the world, wanted friends from comity of the nations who take his side in times of crisis. But the US and allies underline over the fact that Iran is being alleged to have been a reactionary nation. This is the allegation that Iran has been refuting for ages. But as we understand, right or wrong, might is right prevails everywhere. What super power of the decides that becomes the reality. And today’s super power is none other than USA itself.

China’s Big Deal

Nonetheless, the time is running too fast. And as the United States of America is fading and sinking into the oblivion from the many observers perspective – may be true and may not be, but this is the observation that the many analysts underline so. Also, China the super power in the offing from many perspectives according to the prowess, it has amassed recently speaks volumes its potentiality. China has taken the long and ambitious global project that is connecting almost the entire globe. Regarding this, the nodal epicenter of this as of now is Gowadar port. This country is heavily dependent on this project.


However, with the recent given development, China is undergoing a collective threat from different quarters over the Belt and Road Initiative. BRI is understandandably is turning out to be such a mega project. The biggest problem is China is currently too is facing challenges from many fronts. China already has standoff with India and many South China Sea countries. Besides, major powers are also involved against China in the same region. So, it’s not only China is looking for another friend same is the case with Iran as well.  With such a mega Deal of 400 billion dollar is amazing for Iran at a time, the overall situations of Iran is really grim.  This Deal is going to create a great impact in the region for all times to come.  But the irony is under the influence of others Iran is losing also potential friend — that is something not conducive for the current state of affairs.

* Professor Dr.Jayant Babu is Kolkata based professor, and is author of several books.

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